yo swede, i was wondering if perhaps you could inform us not so good photographers how you go about taking these pics. is it a stroll in the park or a hunt for the perfect setting like a crime scene? or both? and what exactly do you use, like besides your d40. what filter if any do you normally use? just questions. Kano T.
Actually, when I take these pictures, I usually just walk out the door and find something interesting. And for my camera settings, I just use whatever, sometimes Manual or Aperture Priority. I just have a regular 18-55mm lens. No filters whatsoever. For these recent pictures, I just felt like I needed more on my blog, so I walked outside and snapped some pictures. No expeditions, no crime scene set ups. Just my yard.
very nice swede. by the by, when did you take these pics? and will you be posting more often? just wondering.
Kano T.
Hey man. Yeah, I took these pictures a few days ago. Sometime last week. I still haven't got the knack of my blog yet, but I will post more pictures.
Way to observe nature, Dane.
yo swede,
i was wondering if perhaps you could inform us not so good photographers how you go about taking these pics. is it a stroll in the park or a hunt for the perfect setting like a crime scene? or both? and what exactly do you use, like besides your d40. what filter if any do you normally use? just questions.
Kano T.
Actually, when I take these pictures, I usually just walk out the door and find something interesting. And for my camera settings, I just use whatever, sometimes Manual or Aperture Priority. I just have a regular 18-55mm lens. No filters whatsoever. For these recent pictures, I just felt like I needed more on my blog, so I walked outside and snapped some pictures. No expeditions, no crime scene set ups. Just my yard.
those rock like a hurricane
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